Hyper-focused on the bump on her nose in the mirror every day and constantly worried about her “bad angles” in photos or videos, Hannah wanted rhinoplasty since middle school. If someone stood on the “bad side,” she would ask them to move to the...
Because it can take 12-18 months for swelling to go down and final results to show after a rhinoplasty, it’s important to set aside your worries while healing. Normal recovery aside, if you’ve had a rhinoplasty and your results don’t look the way...
Cost is always a worry for people considering rhinoplasty, but it’s important to understand that this is your nose and it’s at the center of your face, so you don't want to pick the cheapest option. Other common worries people have before...
No nose is the same, so no rhinoplasty is the same. A vital goal of the rhinoplasty consultation is for you and your doctor to have the same vision for your goals and what’s realistically achievable for you. Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk...
If at least one year has passed since your first rhinoplasty surgery, a revision rhinoplasty surgery may address any lingering concerns. Before a revision rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk will ask about your specific concerns to...
Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk answers commonly asked rhinoplasty questions. Hear why people seek the help of Dr. DeBusk for reshaping a dorsal hump on the nasal bridge, bulbous nose tips, problems with breathing, or trauma-induced...