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Taylor DeBusk, MD

Taylor DeBusk, MD Profile Photo

Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. William Taylor DeBusk is an ENT-trained facial plastic surgeon with specialized expertise in rhinoplasty, revisional rhinoplasty, and facial aesthetics. Dr. DeBusk has performed hundreds of primary rhinoplasty and more complex revisional rhinoplasty cases from his Head and Neck Surgery (Otolaryngology) residency at Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Minnesota, a high-volume center for facial plastic surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery, and head and neck reconstruction. Beyond the technical expertise, Dr. DeBusk has a keen aesthetic eye and enjoys partnering with his patients to make their goals and dreams a reality.

July 3, 2024

Surgical & Non-Surgical Approaches to Facial Aesthetics

Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk and certified master injector Denae Murphy take us through the surgical and non-surgical approaches to facial aesthetics. Get the answers to questions like how much filler is too much? When is it time to...
June 5, 2024

Earlobe Repair Surgery

Earlobe repair surgery is a quick and easy fix that trims away the excess tissue and reshapes the earlobe. Just like the rest of our bodies, earlobes age over time. They lose fat, get wrinkly, and stretch out. Fillers or fat injections can plump them...
May 22, 2024

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) for Kids

Having prominent ears can be traumatic for children, leading to teasing at school. Otoplasty, or ear pinning, reshapes their ears and changes their lives right away. Results are immediate, so once they’re back to school after healing, they can ditch...
Dec. 13, 2023

Hannah’s Rhinoplasty: Why I Flew From LA to Houston For Surgery

Hyper-focused on the bump on her nose in the mirror every day and constantly worried about her “bad angles” in photos or videos, Hannah wanted rhinoplasty since middle school. If someone stood on the “bad side,” she would ask them to move to the...
Sept. 13, 2023

The 6 Big Worries People Have Before Revision Rhinoplasty

Because it can take 12-18 months for swelling to go down and final results to show after a rhinoplasty, it’s important to set aside your worries while healing. Normal recovery aside, if you’ve had a rhinoplasty and your results don’t look the way...
Aug. 30, 2023

The 5 Big Worries People Have Before Primary Rhinoplasty

Cost is always a worry for people considering rhinoplasty, but it’s important to understand that this is your nose and it’s at the center of your face, so you don't want to pick the cheapest option. Other common worries people have before...
Aug. 16, 2023

Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Taylor DeBusk

No nose is the same, so no rhinoplasty is the same. A vital goal of the rhinoplasty consultation is for you and your doctor to have the same vision for your goals and what’s realistically achievable for you. Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk...
Aug. 2, 2023

Revision Rhinoplasty with Dr. Taylor DeBusk

If at least one year has passed since your first rhinoplasty surgery, a revision rhinoplasty surgery may address any lingering concerns. Before a revision rhinoplasty, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk will ask about your specific concerns to...
July 19, 2023

Rhinoplasty with Dr. Taylor DeBusk

Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk answers commonly asked rhinoplasty questions. Hear why people seek the help of Dr. DeBusk for reshaping a dorsal hump on the nasal bridge, bulbous nose tips, problems with breathing, or trauma-induced...
June 21, 2023

Meet Dr. Taylor DeBusk, Facial Plastic Surgeon

Basu Aesthetics + Plastic Surgery is thrilled to introduce Dr. William Taylor DeBusk, a board-certified ENT surgeon specializing in the entire breadth of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. He is one of the few facial plastic surgeons in the...