Rhinoplasty Consultation with Dr. Taylor DeBusk

No nose is the same, so no rhinoplasty is the same. A vital goal of the rhinoplasty consultation is for you and your doctor to have the same vision for your goals and what’s realistically achievable for you.
Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk...
No nose is the same, so no rhinoplasty is the same. A vital goal of the rhinoplasty consultation is for you and your doctor to have the same vision for your goals and what’s realistically achievable for you.
Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk walks us through what to expect during a rhinoplasty consultation, from explaining your goals to sharing “wish pics” of noses you like.
Read more about Houston facial plastic surgeon Dr. Taylor DeBusk
Contact us to schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. DeBusk
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Basu Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics is located in Northwest Houston in the Towne Lake area of Cypress. To learn more about the practice or ask a question, go to basuplasticsurgery.com/podcast
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Behind the Double Doors is a production of The Axis
Hello, welcome. I'm Dr. Bob Basu. Today on Behind the Double Doors, we're talking about rhinoplasty, all things about the nose with our newest team member, facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Taylor Debusk. Welcome Dr. DeBusk.
Yeah, thanks for having me.
Tell me about the rhinoplasty consultation process. Can you walk me through the steps?
Yeah, so first obviously I wanna get to know the patient and the main question I have is, is what their aesthetic goals are because number one, we have to make sure that they're even obtainable or it's something that I can provide and produce. I do always recommend patients bringing in photos of noses that they like or kind of desire because it gives me a better idea of what they're looking for. 'cause the nose, again, is a very complex structure and sometimes it's hard for patients to articulate exactly what their goals are. So that's something that I spend a lot of time with patients, really kind of teasing those things out during the initial consultation.
So what do your patients say to you when they return several months later, after their surgery, after their swelling has gone down and now their results are visible?
You know, can be life changing. And most patients are extremely ecstatic, especially if you're having pretty dramatic changes like a very big hump on the, on the nasal dorsum or on the bridge of the nose, because it does, it can change the overall appearance of the face for the better.
So people like to say they wanted to look, quote unquote, natural, but that's a word that means different things to different people, whether we're talking about breast surgery, facial rejuvenation, or even rhinoplasty. How do you make sure you're visualizing the same end result?
Photos, pictures, patients bringing in things, the ideal images of noses that they like. And that is a question that we get all the time about how can we develop that natural appearing nose. I don't wanna look like I had a rhinoplasty, you know, the scooped out nasal bridge with the pointy tip. Again, those are all things that, uh, I discuss with the patient at the time, and I do focus on natural results. I want the nose to look good and it looked like it's never been touched.
What is the best way to request a consultation.
Either online at basuplasticsurgery.com or you could give our, our clinic a call, uh, and they could set up a consultation.
Now up to 20% of our patients now at our practice are flying in for surgery, whether, uh, from other states or even internationally. Can our listeners schedule a virtual consultation with you?
Oh, yes, I definitely do virtual consultations. Um, you can give our office a call, uh, and we can set those up, uh, pretty seamlessly.
So Dr. DeBusk, where can our listeners see before, after photos of your past patients?
Yeah, so you can see the before and afters on basu plastic surgery.com, the Basu Plastic Surgery website or on Instagram at Basu Plastic Surgery, or at Dr. Taylor Debusk on Instagram as well. And the links to these, uh, websites and Instagram are in the show notes.
Well, thank you Dr. DeBusk. And if you wanna learn more about Dr. DeBusk, please visit us@basuplasticsurgery.com or follow his results on our Instagram at Basu Plastic Surgery.
Thanks for having me.
Basu. Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery is located in Northwest Houston in the Towne Lake area of Cypress. If you'd like to be a guest or ask a question for Dr. Basu to answer on the podcast, go to basu plastic surgery.com/podcast on Instagram. Follow Dr. Basu and the team at Basu Plastic Surgery. That's B A S U Plastic Surgery. Behind the Double Doors is a production of The Axis, t h e a x i s. io.

Taylor DeBusk, MD
Facial Plastic Surgeon
Dr. William Taylor DeBusk is an ENT-trained facial plastic surgeon with specialized expertise in rhinoplasty, revisional rhinoplasty, and facial aesthetics. Dr. DeBusk has performed hundreds of primary rhinoplasty and more complex revisional rhinoplasty cases from his Head and Neck Surgery (Otolaryngology) residency at Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at the University of Minnesota, a high-volume center for facial plastic surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery, and head and neck reconstruction. Beyond the technical expertise, Dr. DeBusk has a keen aesthetic eye and enjoys partnering with his patients to make their goals and dreams a reality.