Jan. 30, 2025

The Hottest Aesthetic Trends to Watch in 2025

The new year is here, and Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Bob Basu shares his predictions for what’s ahead for the aesthetics and wellness world in 2025. 

Hear Dr. Basu’s takes on:

- Why fillers may keep losing steam while biostimulators gain ground

The new year is here, and Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Bob Basu shares his predictions for what’s ahead for the aesthetics and wellness world in 2025. 

Hear Dr. Basu’s takes on:

  • Why fillers may keep losing steam while biostimulators gain ground
  • Is the GLP-1 weight loss boom here to stay? Will weight loss programs fuel a surge in body contouring procedures in 2025?
  • Why you should consider a plastic surgery office for a weight loss program
  • The shift away from exaggerated curves and the new trend toward natural, proportional silhouettes
  • Why younger generations are all in on preventive skin care


Take a screenshot of this or any podcast episode with your phone and show it at your consultation or appointment to receive $50 off any service at Basu Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics.

Basu Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics is located in Northwest Houston in the Towne Lake area of Cypress. To learn more about the practice or ask a question, go to https://www.basuplasticsurgery.com/podcast 

On Instagram, follow Dr. Basu and the team @basuplasticsurgery

Behind the Double Doors is a production of The Axis, theaxis.io


Dr. Bob Basu (00:07):
Welcome back to Behind the Double Doors. I'm Dr. Bob Basu. Well, can you believe it? 2025 is right around the corner. Where did 2024 go? I have no idea. I went by in a blink of an eye, but the new year is right around the corner, and I wanted to spend some time talking about some predictions for 2025 in terms of the aesthetics and wellness market. What are we going to see in 2025 in aesthetic plastic surgery? A couple of things that I will predict will be continuing on as trends in 2025. First, I think we've seen a peak in filler. People are overfilled. Yes, I know you've seen that out and about in town, overfilled in the cheeks, in the jaw line, filler, filler overfilled. And I think we're now seeing a peak in the filler market, and let me explain. The word's gotten out that too much filler is not a good thing.

It does not lead to naturally refreshed results. It's overdone. Oftentimes, it can look imbalanced. And now patients are becoming more aware of the potential complication of too much filler, whether it be scar tissue in the area, if you need a surgical procedure. Whether it be filler migration, that the word's getting out, particularly for filler that may be done on the nose or other areas where filler can now migrate. Irregularities, granulomas, which are basically scar tissue pockets that can occur. So oftentimes with facial rejuvenation, whether it be surgical or non-surgical, less is more. So I think from the filler standpoint, we're going to see a continued decline in demand for hyaluronic or other fillers. On the other hand, I think you're going to see an increase in demand for what's called the biostimulators. These are FDA approved medications that essentially help to stimulate collagen production over time.

So it's not that instantaneous result that you get with fillers, but over time you see a rejuvenation of certain treatment areas because these medications help to stimulate collagen production, softening those areas, rejuvenating those areas. Now you can get some volume enhancements clearly, but this is more of a slower process than fillers, which is much more instantaneous. The other trend that we will continue to see is a continued expansion of the weight loss revolution with the GLP-1 category of medications. And I think patients are seeing incredible results with these weight loss medications. Patients are getting healthier, they're more active, they are curing their high blood pressure, joint pain, sleep apnea, and the list, diabetes, the list goes on and on. And they're feeling much better without all that weight on them. And so I think we are going to see a continued expansion and growth in the medical weight loss market utilizing these medications such as semaglutide, tirzepatide.

With that, as that continues to grow and evolve in 2025, we're also going to see a continued surge in post weight loss contouring, whether it be facial rejuvenation, body contouring, breast surgery, and so forth. I can tell you in my practice, I've seen a sharp increase in the number of deep plane face and neck lifts and minimally invasive neck tightening procedures. And I think a lot of this is being driven by the growth in weight loss from the GLP. So the weight loss revolution continues, and with that, we're going to see a continued growth of demand for natural facial rejuvenation. Look, when patients lose weight, they're feeling great, but they want to look as good as they feel. And consistently I'm seeing patients who've lost 20, 50, a hundred, 150 pounds non-surgically using these medications such as semaglutide and tirzepatide, and they come back to us and they say, look, I've lost 75 pounds with you with your skinny shot program, but I don't like the loose skin in my neck.

I don't like my jowls. I feel great, I'm active, I'm exercising, but I don't look the way I feel. And that disconnect is really a driver for patients to opt to do something with aesthetic plastic surgery, such as a deep plane face and neck lift. Now, I'm admittedly biased, I think the best place to do a skinny shot or weight loss program is a plastic surgery practice. Why? Because not only can we get you on the right weight loss regimen, we can continue to monitor you with regular check-ins, but we can also help prevent the sequelae of weight loss. Remember, a lot of people think they're going to lose weight and everything's going to just go back to what they had before, but not necessarily true. Remember, with weight loss, there are some unintended consequences of volume loss or skin laxity that can occur in the face, the breast, the body, and the tummy area.

So we are well equipped to offer many effective nonsurgical modalities or some surgical options when necessary to help patients manage the sequelae of weight loss, including volume loss and skin laxity. One of the things that I absolutely love about helping my patients who are on their journey with weight loss is this is really a long-term relationship. As plastic surgeons, we love making our patients happy and giving them the outcomes they want. Medical weight loss programs really allow me and my team to partner with our patients long-term. This is a long-term relationship. Look, losing weight's not easy, but that's why they follow up with us regularly so that we can help them surmount those challenges. It is on a weekly basis that I get a note or feedback from patients that I help them lose 50 pounds or a hundred pounds. I've had patients lose up to almost 190 pounds without surgery, and it is life changing for these patients.

And as a board certified plastic surgeon, of course, I love achieving the goals for my patients and making them happy, but seeing this kind of life transformation in terms of their health and wellbeing. Look, I always tell patients aesthetics and wellness go hand in hand. And helping my patients with a weight loss journey, it's a reward I cannot describe. We change lives. And the weight loss program has really brought that home to me and my team what an impact we're having having on patients' lives, not just short term but also long term. The other predictions I'm going to make for 2025 would be, next would be proportionality is in. So disproportionate result, we were just talking about fillers, overfilled, the demand for over-exaggerated curves, whether it be an overdone fat transfer or BBL procedure, I think a lot of that's going to be on the decline.

I think as we just talked about the weight loss revolution, we're seeing a return to slim is in, but a healthy slim. We're not talking about the model thin back from the eighties. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about being fit. We're talking about being more of that fitness model look. We're talking about someone who is perhaps more body proportionate. Now, some people will say maybe patients are opting for perhaps smaller implants in some markets. There's some truth to that. I'm not necessarily convinced, but I am seeing patients that are quite cognizant about wanting very proportionate result if we're doing a fat transfer at the same time as a mommy make over or a tummy tuck. Curves are not out completely, but over exaggerated curves I will predict will be out. People want to be shapely. They want to have sexy curves, but they want it to be proportionate.

And the last thing I'm going to predict is that the demand for preventive skincare is going to continue to increase. I think young people are very educated thanks to social media and the information that's out there, and they know that it's never too early to start on an effective skincare regimen or a preventive regimen to prevent sun damage and really to protect your skin. So I think minimal invasive treatments such as prescription strength skincare regimen, laser treatments on the skin will continue to increase in 2025. I want to thank everyone for listening to our podcast Behind the Double Doors. I want to thank our production company for helping putting together this program. We hope this is helpful and this is informative. There's a lot of information out there online and on social media. Some of it's good, some of it's not good. Some of it's really confusing, and I hope that we've helped cut through the noise and give you some valuable information so that you can make the best decision for yourselves. I wish you a healthy and happy new year.

Announcer (09:07):
Basu Plastic Surgery is located in Northwest Houston in the Towne Lake area of Cypress. To learn more about the practice or ask a question, go to basuplasticsurgery.com/podcast. On Instagram, follow Dr. Basu and the team @BasuPlasticSurgery, that's B-A-S-U Plastic Surgery. Behind the Double Doors is a production of The Axis, theaxis.io.